Domestic Assault & Serious Assaults

Being charged with an assault, domestic or otherwise, is serious. If convicted, you risk significant long-term penalties and consequences – imprisonment, a lifelong criminal record, possible civil consequences – be they family law related or for damages in a civil court and more. My name is Joseph LoConte, Criminal Lawyer located in Niagara Falls, Ontario. As one of the Niagara Regions most experienced and successful criminal defence lawyers, my job, as your defence lawyer, will be to help you win your case or obtain the best possible outcome. I can defend you on charges such as: domestic assault; attempted murder; aggravated assault; assault causing bodily harm; assault with a weapon. I can immediately step in to help secure your release on bail and/or defend you in court.

Domestic Violence — Up Against A Zero-Tolerance Policy

Ontario has a strict, no-tolerance policy against accusations of domestic assault. In domestic assault accusations, the police will lay a charge(s) and thereafter decide whether or not to release a person at the police station on terms and conditions or force the accused citizen to be brought before a bail court – usually the next day after suffering the night(s) in jail – to determine whether or not he/she ought to be released pending the outcome of the charge(s). Unless the client has access to a knowledgeable defence lawyer he/she may languish in jail until they are released or he/she may end up being convicted of an offence even though a skillful defence lawyer could have avoided a finding of guilt and avoided the negative long term consequences that such a conviction will have on the client. Many of these domestic assault charges are fully defendable but that assessment can only be made after the lawyer has obtained and fully studied the prosecution case as against the client. The client has a constitutional right to obtain the full information/disclosure to be presented against him/her by the prosecution/police before he/she decides, in consultation with his/her counsel, as to what to do. It is the job of the defence lawyer to vigorously represent his client, win the case or at the very least secure the best possible outcome in the circumstances.

Get Professional Help To Face Serious Assault Charges

With over 30 years of criminal defence experience, I know what’s necessary to defend serious criminal charge(s) such as:

  • aggravated assault,
  • assault causing bodily harm,
  • assault with a weapon,
  • attempted murder,
  • domestic assault, etc.

Many of these charges are defendable but require full preparation and planning. As your defence lawyer, I will:

  • Obtain all the police evidence as against you and thereafter review it with you and study it from the defence point of view
  • Determine if any of your constitutional or other rights have been violated by the police and how that can benefit you
  • If the matter goes by way of a contested trial and you need to give evidence then you shall be prepared to give evidence in a credible, reasonable and acceptable manner with a view to raising a reasonable doubt as to the allegation and secure a not guilty result.

Know Your Chances. Know Your Rights. Defend Yourself.

Many client’s are going through the criminal justice system for the first time. Most of them don’t know how to proceed. Few are aware of whether their constitutional rights were violated by the authorities. Fewer are aware that police constitutional violation(s) may lead to a not guilty result. Most are not aware whether or not the charge(s) are legally proveable beyond a reasonable doubt in court. When you turn to me for help, I will protect your right to fair treatment under the law with the goal of winning your case.

No matter how difficult a situation you find yourself in, as your defence counsel, I will be standing by you to vigorously defend you with the goal of winning the case or obtaining the best result possible.

My Goal: Protecting the Client on Sentencing.

If a conviction is unavoidable (and the client gives informed instructions to enter a plea of guilty) it’s my job to protect the client by way of conducting “plea resolution” negotiations to ensure the best possible sentencing result. Police and/or prosecutors all too often “load up” charges against citizens, that is, they over charge an accused in order to obtain legal and/or practical advantages over the accused. Many of these charges cannot be proven in court and it is the lawyer’s duty to the client, assuming one or more charges are provable in court, to obtain the best possible “plea resolution” for the client. That is to say, to have many of the more serious charges withdrawn and to have the client make an informed plea to the least serious charge (or to a substitute lesser charge etc.) with a view to obtaining the best possible sentence for the client. Often the lawyer’s most important service is the result when the client is sentenced. Sentencing can range from serious jail time (penitentiary) to less jail time, to an intermittent (weekend sentence), to a conditional sentence (house arrest), to a fine and/or probation, to a conditional or an absolute discharge, to a “peace bond” or to some out of court “diversion”. A knowledgeable and committed lawyer who brings his successful fighting reputation to the negotiating table can make all the difference for the client.

Get A FREE Phone Consultation.

Do not risk talking to police or taking any steps if you suspect you are under investigation without first obtaining professional legal help. If you have been arrested on assault and/or assault related charges your next most important decision is choosing your defence lawyer. You need to get immediate legal advice to ensure that you are able to fully defend yourself. In choosing your defence lawyer ask yourself: Has he “won” many of these contested assault trials? Is he experienced? Is he knowledgeable? Is he committed to fully and vigorously defending me? You need to make the right decision to get the right lawyer. Call me for a FREE initial phone consultation at 905-357-5554 or email me through my online form to arrange a consultation.